Discover the Incredible Healing Power of Breathwork

A Unity Breathwork, conscious connected breathing session

Unity breathwork uses a conscious connected breathing pattern that alters your state of consciousness similar to plant-medicine and takes you on an incredibly deep and transformative inner journey.

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You Need to Experience a Conscious Connected Breatwork Session in Order to Truly Understand its Power. Ready to experience this potent, all-natural medicine for yourself?

So What Exactly Is Conscious Connected Breathwork?

holotropic breathwork session with megan

Breathwork is the short-form term used to describe a practice of ‘concious connected breathing’ where you breathe without a pause between the inhale and exhale. It alters your state of consciousness and opens you up to rapid healing and transformation.

Worth noting is that this method of breathing is also referred to as “conscious connected breathwork” (CCB), “circular breathing,” “breathwork journey,” or simply “breathwork. It’s very different from pranayama and relaxation breathing practices. And it has nothing to do with ‘learning how to breathe’.

unity breathwork journey of conscious connected breathing

There is no skill or training necessary for the breather at all. And you don’t have to have a spiritual, religious, or meditative practice to receive its incredible and far-reaching benefits. Breathwork works for everyone!

conscious connected breathing breathwork journey

What Does Conscious Connected Breathing Feel Like?

Connected breathwork is sort of like a marriage between hypnotherapy and plant medicine. However, unlike plant medicine, at all times you remain fully in control of your journey. Also, the facilitator does not dictate in the way a hypnotherapist does – your inner wisdom is the guide. And if emotions or sensations feel too strong, you can simply return to normal breathing at any time. 

Join an Internationally Renowned, Trauma-Informed Breathwork Training with Online & In-person Segments

unity breathwork facilitator training school banner

Embark on a deep and transformative inner journey, step into your fullest potential, and bring your inner work out into the world.

Would you would like to become a highly-skilled, knowledgeable, intuitive, and compassionate breathwork facilitator?

Does the idea of holding space for others to go on life-changing inner journeys light you up? If yes, then our Breathwork training is for you!

Our comprehensive, trauma-informed training, is certified internationally by the GPBA. You can start anytime, and train entirely online or enhance your experience with a transformative 7-day in-person segment in the stunning setting of Sayulita, Mexico. Our comprehensive 400-hour curriculum is designed with a deep focus on the inner journey, community, and empowerment. Upon completion, you will be fully certified to lead both individual and group breathwork sessions, in-person and online.

As an international breathwork training school, we are dedicated to providing individualized support and coaching every step of the way. Our holistic training approach allows you to shed what no longer serves you and step into your fullest potential and you will graduate as a skilled, knowledgable, intuitive, and inspiring breathwork facilitator.

If your interest is piqued, you can download our Breathwork Training Course Brochure Here.

What Are the Benefits of Conscious Connected Breathwork?

private breathwork at Selinas hotel in mexico
  • Temporarily changes the CO2, oxygen, and Ph levels in the body, which slows down electrical activity in the brain, loosens the group of the ego, and allows access to subconscious programming (which dictates 98% of thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors)
  • Can lead to a range of rapid mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical transformations
  • Oxygenates the body, promotes detoxification, and can leave you feeling energized and refreshed
  • Ongoing breathwork sessions can help rebalance the nervous system and get a person out of chronic fight, flight or freeze mode
  • Connects you to your inner wisdom​, helps you listen to the messages that come from your body​, and can also provide you with new important insights
  • Allows the opportunity to let go of things that no longer serve you, to heal your inner child, and release trauma
  • With a properly trained facilitator, deep somatic healing can occur in a gentle and safe way
  • It can help to let go of addictions and self-sabotaging behaviors and coping mechanisms
  • It is an excellent way to make a community out of a group of strangers or acquaintances
  • Every conscious connected breathwork session is different for every person, and the best thing to do is to let go of expectations and resistance, remain open to whatever wants to arise, and trust that the breath will take you there
  • It’s often said that one connected breathwork session can be more powerful than years of therapy
  • Some describe conscious connected breathwork as being ‘re-born.’ 

Why I Facilitate Conscious Connected Breathing Sessions

private conscious connected breathing for trauma release

Prior to discovering conscious connected breathwork, I embarked on a fifteen-year healing quest. In that time, I exhaustively explored numerous avenues to release trauma and negative subconscious patterns, and cultivate more joy and love in my life.

Although I have great respect for yoga, hypnotherapy, plant medicine, Shamanic healing, nutritional therapy, energy medicine, meditation, EFT, Law of Attraction, life coaching, and everything else that I have studied and utilized on my quest for healing, it was conscious connected breathing that brought about the quickest and most profound transformations. 

My first connected Breathwork session was in Bali. I showed up blindly and with no expectations, and released decades of stored grief in that single session. I knew immediately I had found my calling and that I wanted to dedicate my life to helping others heal themselves with their breath. Since then, I have made it my life’s mission to help make Breathwork as widely accessible and popular as yoga. The more people we can get to do this incredibly deep inner work, the better off humanity will be!


group breathwork journey toronto

What is Unity Breathwork?

Unity Breathwork uses conscious connected breathing to access heightened states of consciousness conducive to deep healing. It is a fusion of Holotropic breathwork, Rebirthing, and several other modalities.

connected breathing session on beach in Mexico

The connected breathing segment is done lying down on a mat, with your eyes closed. The journeys are supported by meticulously planned music, reiki, and supportive touch (optional).

I will be there to provide a safe container, to coach your breathing, and to help you reach the deepest state possible. However, the breath is the teacher and guide, and it will take you exactly where you need to go for your highest healing. 

How Long is A Conscious Connected Breathing Session?

The Breathwork sessions are typically between 90 minutes and 2 hours. The conscious connected breathing segment is one hour. However, there is time allocated before for explaining the technique and how to get the most out of the journey and discussing any intentions you might have. And time after, to allow breathers to write down any insights, ground themselves, and share about their experiences if they wish.

Who Should Not Engage in Conscious Connected Breathing?

Breathwork is a safe practice and can serve anyone from the young to the old, from the thriving to the unwell. The only restrictions would be for those who suffer from epilepsy, bipolar disease, schizophrenia, uncontrolled asthma, heart problems, drug use, psychosis, early or complicated pregnancy, or heart disorders. In these cases, the breathwork sessions should be closely supervised and under the guidance of a medical professional. Please advise us of any medical conditions you may have and we will tailor the session and breathing pattern appropriately.

For more information on Breathwork Contraindications, visit here.

For a complete list of pricing for online and in-person, 1:1 and group breathwork sessions, please click here.

Should I Choose a Private or a Group Conscious Connected Breathwork Session?

conscious connected breathwork session - private vs group

When beginning a journey with conscious connected breathing, a common question arises: Are private or group breathwork sessions better? Both options offer profound benefits and opportunities for healing, deep release, and self-growth. However, the choice between private and group breathwork sessions depends on personal factors such as your reasons for doing breathwork, personality, and life history. Each format has its unique advantages, and understanding these can help you decide which might best support your healing journey.

The Benefits of Private Breathwork Sessions

Private breathwork sessions provide individualized attention that can be crucial for deep trauma resolution and the transformation of negative belief systems. In a one-on-one setting, the presence of a skilled breathwork facilitator fosters a safe and secure environment, allowing for a more focused exploration of your inner world. This personal guidance is particularly beneficial for those dealing with severe trauma, thoses with breathwork contraindicaitons, and those who may be anxious about their first breathwork experience. The tailored support helps manage the intensity of the process, ensuring a gentle, safe, and effective approach to trauma recovery and emotional well-being.

The Benefits of Group Breathwork Sessions

Group breathwork sessions offer unique benefits through the collective energy and support of fellow participants. The accountability and shared experience in a group setting can enhance your commitment to the connected breathing practice which can help to deepen your exploration. The synergy created by the group often facilitates greater emotional release and personal growth. The communal aspect also provides a sense of belonging and connection, further enriching the overall experience. Finally, the sharing circle at the end of the conscious connected breathing segment will support you in integrating your experience and can often be as profound and insightful as the breathwork itself.

Conscious Connected Breathing Alone Vs With a Facilitator

We frequently receive the question: “Can I practice Breathwork on my own?” While it’s possible to do connected breathwork alone, having a facilitator present offers significant advantages. A facilitator helps you to maintain the breathing pattern which is vital for getting the most out of your session. Without this guidance, many people tend to revert to a gentler, slower breathing pattern or may abandon the practice altogether. A facilitator also ensures your safety and provides support for navigating any challenges that arise. Additionally, in-person group breathwork sessions often include supportive physical touch from the facilitator, which can be profoundly helpful in releasing deeply held emotions.

For more support on how to choose between a private breathwork and group breathwork session, click here:

Ready to Be Your Own Healer, Life Coach, and Guru with the Power of Conscious Connected Breathing?

conscious connected  breathing sessions