tetany during breathwork

Why You Get Tetany During Breathwork and How to Manage It

Tetany during breathwork is characterized by cramping, tightening, tingling, a sense of paralysis, or numbing sensations in the hands and/or feet. It is a very common occurrence during full-length breathwork sessions, and if it happens to you, the first thing you need to know is that there is NOTHING TO FEAR. The second thing you need to know is that it is temporary and it will go away on its own once you return to a normal breathing pattern. A lack of understanding can lead to fear and a missed opportunity for personal transformation, so read on to make sure that doesn’t happen to you.

The Physiological Explanation of Tetany

During breathwork, the deep and connected breathing causes CO2 levels to drop. This results in less oxygen being released into the bloodstream, tissues, and vital organs; and causes the blood pH to become more alkaline. The combination of lower Co2 levels and a rise in blood pH levels is what leads to tetany in breathing (a condition that is also referred to as claw hands).

Something worth mentioning is that many people including myself experience tetany the first couple of times they do breathwork and then it subsides naturally on its own. This may be because the body adapts to the physiological changes that occur or perhaps it has to do with a greater ability to let go, accept, and surrender which typically occurs from breathwork (more on this below). Also, with circular connected breathing we emphasize the inhale and allow the exhale to just fall out of us. A forceful exhale can result in lower CO2 levels which can intensify tetany; so if you repeatedly experience tetany make sure your exhale is passive.

The Psycho-Spiritual Explanation for Tetany During Breathwork

Tetany often causes the hands to form into a claw-like shape, which can be symbolic of holding onto something tightly. The general consensus experienced Breathwork facilitators is that tetany in the absence of a forceful exhale, is a sign or resistance or of something that needs to be let go of. So instead of trying to avoid or curtail tetany, see it as a gift – your body is revealing something significant for you to inquire into. It is showing you there is a threshold that is waiting to be crossed, and your breathing session is the perfect opportunity to do so.

When Tetany Arises, Turn Within

If you are experiencing intense tetany or noticing a lot of fear or resistance around the sensations, try asking yourself: “What is it time for me to let go of?” It may be a grudge, a childhood trauma, an ex, a fear, an addiction or even a voice in your head that is feeding you negative messages about yourself or the world. It may also be a fear of letting go or of losing control, and the associated vulnerability that comes along with it. Whatever it is, it is keeping you in a state of resistance and preventing you from experiencing your best life. It may also be causing you anxiety or depression. Answering the question and addressing the emotional background of the pain is therefore of utmost importance and may just be one of the greatest treasures you will receive in your life.

* Find out more about dealing with resistance in breathwork

Some also believe that tetany is a physical manifestation of being fearful or resistant to reaching out for help. Whether or not this applies to you, is another thing worth inquiring into if you experience intense tetany. Worth noting, is that there are different levels of severity with tetany and often times the more pronounced the sensation is, the more difficult it likely is for you to surrender in your daily life or the harder time you likely have reaching out for help.

When you inquire within, the answer may not be revealed immediately; for some, it may take multiple breathwork sessions, but if you stick with it, it will materialize. And when it does it is not uncommon to experience an instant dissolution of the tetany. In the meantime, if you are finding tetany during breathwork overwhelming please don’t let it dissuade you from participating in breathwork. There are things that you can do to make it more manageable, and below is a collaborated list provided by myself and the Alchemy of Breath Facilitator team.

Managing Tetany if The Sensation Becomes Too Much:

  • Make sure the exhale is not forced – Anthony Abbagnano
  • Try starting the breathwork sitting up and breathing and circling your body in a forward and back motion in tune with the exhale and inhale – Monika Reimann
  • Try a slower and gentler breathing pattern and concentrate more on breath awareness – Rita Luna
  • Include gentle movement of the hands and feet, especially when you first feel it coming on
  • Remember that you are safe and it is temporary
  • Practice not resisting the tetany and accept that it might happen. Try to surrender, let go of the fear and breathe/relax into the sensation. Trust yourself to breathe through it – Jules Kandah Carpenter
  • Eat foods high in magnesium and potassium e.g. bananas – Janel Smith
  • Inquire into the physical sensation, locate exactly where it is in the body and ascribe how it feels e.g. sharp, hot, tense, dull etc. – Monika Reimann
  • Try dancing between your edge – when it becomes too much back off and return to a normal breath or a gentler breath. Use the time to inquire and regain your determination and then go back into the full conscious connected breathing pattern when you feel ready
  • Breath into your hands or any type of material for a rapid reduction of the sensation – Anthony Abbagnano
  • Reframe it – instead of seeing it as something to avoid see it as a gift; a message from your body that is waiting to be decoded and received.

May your journey be informative and fruitful 🙂

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Already an experienced breather and considering offering this incredible medicine to others? Find out more about our trauma-informed Breathwork Training, which is internationally accredited and completed on your own schedule. This training is for anyone who is looking for an incredibly comprehensive curriculum with individualized support, and who is willing to put in the time and effort required to become a world-leading facilitator.

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