DMT breathwork and transcendence

DMT Breathwork: Can Circular Breathing Release DMT?

Engaging in Breathwork induces altered states of consciousness, often described by practitioners as visionary experiences and journeys reminiscent of psychedelics. Circular breathing enthusiasts frequently draw parallels between their breathwork encounters and the effects of substances like Ayahuasca, known for its high DMT content. Moreover, the reported benefits of breathwork often mirror those associated with DMT…

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what is somatic breathwork

What Is Somatic Breathwork?: Demystifying this ‘Trending’ Term

Somatic Breathwork has surged in popularity recently, and this trending term has sparked confusion among the public, leaving many to wonder: What is Somatic Breathwork? In fact, at Unity Breathwork, we frequently encounter inquiries about the distinctions between our breathwork sessions and breathwork training compared to Somatic Breathwork. In the following, we aim to demystify…

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conscious connected breathwork, contraindications and safety manual

Decoding Breathwork Contraindications: A Complete Glossary and the Explanation Behind Each

Conscious Connected Breathwork is a profound modality that provides a wide array of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. It also empowers us to be our own healers, to shed layers of trauma, to connect to our inner wisdom, and to create positive lasting change. For individuals without pre-existing health conditions, Conscious Connected Breathwork is…

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benefits of breathwork

5 Recommendations for Experiencing the Full Benefits of Breathwork

As a trauma-informed Breathwork facilitator and teacher, I wholeheartedly endorse the inherent wisdom within each breather to attune to their body and intuition, allowing their inner wisdom to act as the guiding force. This approach empowers individuals to become their own healers, and teaches them that everything they need and all the answers they seek…

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breathwork vs pranayama vs functional breathing. What is the difference?

What is Breathwork and How Does it Differ from Functional Breath Work & Pranayama?

Understanding the distinctions among Breathwork, Functional Breath Work, and Pranayama is useful as the popularity of ‘Breathwork’ surges. The term itself, however, can be ambiguous, leading to misconceptions. Some interpret it as a functional approach to improve everyday breathing, which may elicit humorous responses like, “I’ve been breathing my whole life!” Others associate it with…

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is breathwork safe during pregnancy?

Is Breathwork During Pregnancy Safe? Here’s What You Need to Know

Engaging in breathwork during pregnancy can be a profoundly enriching experience, fostering a remarkable connection with the precious life growing within. However, it is crucial to recognize that there are situations where it may not be deemed safe for both the expectant mother and the baby. To ensure optimal safety, there are specific precautions that…

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holotropic breathwork vs unity breathwork

What is the Difference Between Holotropic Breathwork & Unity Breathwork?

Question: Is Unity Breathwork the Same as Holotropic Breathwork Hello, I just returned from Austin after my first Holotropic breathing experience and I am in awe. My friend and I are opening the first spiritual retreat in Victoria Texas and I’ve been blessed to learn all different types of healing and therapies but Holotropic breathing…

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