online breathwork course

Rewire: From Potential to Power

It’s time to ignite your inner spark, embrace your power, and light up the world.

Wouldn’t it be incredible to experience a profound transformation that awakens your most authentic self? Imagine feeling more grounded, connected to your purpose, and ready to navigate life’s journey with greater self-awareness. Rewire is your invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, unearthing the remarkable potential that’s always been within you.

About Rewire:

Rewire isn’t about external fixes or breathwork suddenly giving you magic power. It’s a 12-week journey designed to help you reconnect with your innate potential, clear away what’s been obscuring it, and build tools to live a more aligned and empowered life.

Through breathwork, self-reflection, and community support, you’ll gain clarity, cultivate inner strength, and step into the most authentic version of yourself.

Rewire is designed to be transformative, not overwhelming. The daily commitment to breathwork and reflection cultivates deep change, but it’s grounded in simple practices that easily fit into your life. The true power lies in the consistency and support throughout your 12-week journey.

What to Expect

Inner Strength & Resilience: Develop practices to cultivate trust and inner security.

Unlock Your Potential: Identify your unique strengths and nurture your talents.

Empowerment Tools: Learn strategies for self-compassion, healing, and tapping into your full potential.

Daily Breathwork Practice: Commit to simple, guided breathwork videos for daily grounding.

Weekly Deep Dives: Experience transformative Conscious Connected Breathwork sessions.

Integration Workbooks: Reflect and deepen your journey with tailored workbooks, prompts, and activities.

Sound simple?
It is.
Simple practice,
profound impact.


Rewire is an invitation to step into your power and align with the incredible potential that’s always been within you. This transformative journey combines the profound power of breathwork, reflection, and a safe space for exploration, helping you uncover the depths of your being and illuminate your unique path.

From Your Facilitator for this Journey: Breathing Space Founder – Benedict Beautmont

breathwork facilitator ben

Hi, I’m Benedict Beaumont, and I had the exact same problem as you.

Like many, I spent years feeling restless, yearning for deeper meaning and a way to tap into the potential that I knew existed within me. 

Through breathwork, I found a path that led me home to myself. Now, with a heart full of gratitude for this transformative practice, it’s my greatest joy to guide others. 

Let’s explore together how breathwork can light up your own remarkable journey of self-discovery and empowerment. 

Let me show you the way.

breathwork for healing and rewiring course

I’ve Found a Better Way.

A way where each breath brings you closer
to the person you were meant to be.

Where each day is an opportunity
to grow stronger, more confident, and 
more connected to your true self?




This is not just another course; it’s a path towards a more authentic and empowering life.
Join me, Benedict Beaumont, as we explore the power of breathwork and
go on a 12-week adventure towards self-discovery and empowerment.

  • How to ground yourself and create a foundation of inner security and trust.
  • Techniques to recognize and cultivate your unique strengths and abilities.
  • Strategies to shift your self-talk from critical to your biggest cheerleader.
  • Gentle methods to let go of old emotions and heal from past wounds.
  • Ways to ignite your inner spark and align your life purpose.
  • Steps to transcend your self-imposed limits and embrace a greater version of yourself.

Join us on this incredible journey and see how far you can go when you’re truly connected to your breath and your heart.

breathwork course for transformation

Simplicity Makes Rewire Special

Rewire is designed with simplicity in mind, focusing on three core elements for profound transformation:

A Daily Breathwork Practice: Simple, guided practices to help you connect with your inner world and cultivate greater awareness. Our daily guided breathwork practices led by breathwork expert, Benedict Beaumont are the heart of this journey.

Daily Journaling: Your personal story matters, and our PDF journals help you write it. It’s a space to be honest with yourself, to chart your progress, and to visualize your future. Each prompt is carefully crafted to align with your breathwork practices, ensuring a cohesive and introspective experience

Weekly Deep Conscious Breathwork Sessions: These weekly breathwork sessions are aligned with each phase on your transformation. They are a very powerful tool that offers a safe space for deep exploration and transformative insights. 

breathwork course outline
conscious connected breathwork benefits of course