breathwork sensations

How to Decode Breathwork Sensations & Their Potential Connection to Energy Imbalances


I am totally new to this and when I joined I thought it was to improve belly breathing. Regardless I am enjoying it but I think I would like to better understand what some of it all means. After listening to people speak in the sharing circle after the breathwork it made me rethink my last experience and this one. 

The back of my head that was on the mat felt like there were nails or something sharp throughout my last breathwork session. I felt it this time but significantly less. Tonight my throat felt kind of compacted. Last week, I had lots of feeling in the left arm (very heavy). This week a bit of tingling here and there on that side but nothing like last week. 

My whole reason for sharing is that listening to you and the others had me intrigued. Tonight you were talking about chakras, energy imbalances, and messages in my dreams. These are all generally new concepts that I have no background in. Without overwhelming myself and going down an internet rabbit hole would there be some materials I could read that might help me start building some knowledge in this space? 

Thanks, Shelly


Hi Shelly,

Thanks for reaching out. It’s wonderful to hear there is a new realm of concepts being revealed to you 🙂 

The back of the head and throat sensations may be related to the third eye and throat chakras (energy centers) and potentially having energy imbalances there. But they may also be related to past or present physical injuries or imbalances. Physical sensations always have a meaning but just like dreams they are deeply personal and individualized so it’s not possible to say for sure as the facilitator what is causing them for you. 

The same goes for the feelings in your left arm. There are no chakras in the arms, but that may be related to a current or past injury. Also, the left side of the body is considered the feminine side, and the right side the masculine side. So if you notice you have a lot more pronounced sensations in the left side of the body there may be something worth exploring with regards to your relationship with feminine energy and whether or not there may be energy imbalances (men and women need a balance of both and both genders can have too much or not enough of either).

These are all esoteric concepts, and you don’t really need to understand them in order to benefit from your breathwork sessions. Just showing up and being present with your breath for a session is all that is required! Your body in its innate intelligence will do the rest and your analytical mind doesn’t need to understand it at all for healing, release, and transformation to occur. 

But if you want to dive deeper into learning about the body’s energy systems you can read these two articles as a starter:

As for your message to pay more attention to your dreams, the best thing to do is keep a pen and paper by your bed and write them down the second you wake up before doing anything else. Although the meanings will be personal to you, you can get some general knowledge that may be applicable by looking up what different things symbolize in your dreams:

Hope this helps, and look forward to having you back in another session to continue your journey 🙂

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Megan, Unity Breathwork Founder
Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator & Teacher | RYT200, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Nutritionist, Reiki 2