what to eat before breathwork

7 Pre Breathwork and Yoga Food Recipes You’ll Love

Which do you prioritize yoga or food? 

Have you ever skipped a yoga or Breathwork class that you really wanted to go to because it interfered with your mealtime? I’m a huge fan of dinnertime, and I recently found an amazing yoga class but it’s right when I like to eat dinner — what a predicament! I don’t like doing yoga on a full stomach, but I couldn’t enjoy my practice if I went hungry either. This got me brainstorming, and I came up with 7 quick, easy and healthy pre-yoga snack ideas that will curb your appetite without weighing you down (or ruining your inversion experience if you know what I mean)!

Recipes for 2 Hours Before Class Starts:

Sauteed Chickpeas: Throw some drained, canned (or better yet, presoaked, sprouted chickpeas) in a frying pan. Add a little bit of coconut oil or butter, sea salt (and pepper or garlic if desired) and fry until you notice some browning. Eat, and enjoy! Be careful though, because a small serving will go a long way towards filling you up!

Sweeeeet Potato: Have a leftover sweet potato in your fridge? Warm-it-up in the oven and drizzle some butter or coconut oil on it, then add a dash of sea salt and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Yum!

Recipes for 1 Hour Before Class Starts

Greek Yogurt and Fruit: Stir together half a cup of greek yogurt with either chopped apples and cinnamon, or any type of berry, and sprinkle in a tbsp of chopped nuts or almonds for protein.

Guacamole Pairings: Try dipping some veggies or wholegrain pita or crackers into guacamole. Dont’ have any guacs on hand? No problem! Just stir together a ripe avocado with a squeeze of lemon or lime and a dash of salt and pepper and enjoy!

Recipes for 30 Minutes Before Class

Berry Yogi Smoothie: Throw in a handful of frozen berries, half a cucumber and a large handful of deep leafy greens. Add a scoop of your fav protein powder (if you have some on hand), blend and enjoy.

Banana and Nut Butter: This one is too simple, just cut your banana in half, lengthwise and smooth on a heaping spoonful of your favorite nut butter (almonds, cashew, unsweetened organic peanut etc.).

Class is Starting and You Need Energy Now!

Coconut Water: Keep some coconut water on hand, so you have a source of instant energy and fuel, if you’re ever too rushed to prepare or digest a snack pre-class.

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Megan, Unity Breathwork Founder
Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator & Teacher | RYT200, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Nutritionist, Reiki 2