Reset Breathwork Retreat in Sayulita, 2024

sayulita wellness retreat - the breathwork retreat reset

Are you ready to drop into the wisdom of the body, the power of nature, and the mystery and magic of the breath as you embark on an inner and outer journey like no other? Join us for a six-day Breathwork retreat in stunning Sayulita. We often hear that just one of our Breathwork journeys was more powerful than years of talk therapy. So imagine what 6-days of Breathwork can do?!

Sayulita Wellness Retreat: A Minimalist Program for Maximum Transformation

Join us for a Sayulita Wellness Retreat that flips the script! Unlike typical retreat programs, ours prioritizes time for your integration and healing without overwhelming schedules. We believe in the profound power of breathwork, embracing the philosophy that less is more. No need for a hectic agenda filled with various healing modalities, one after the other, with no time to rest and integrate. Instead, you’ll experience a daily, full-length breathwork journey, followed by an intimate sharing and integration circles. The rest of your time is yours to own.

We encourage you to listen to your inner wisdom and shape your days based on what your soul craves. Whether it’s grounding in nature, witnessing breathtaking Sayulita sunsets, or dedicating moments to solitude, reflection, and journaling – the choice is yours. Step into a retreat that won’t drain you with an overload of activities—a sanctuary crafted for breakthroughs and lasting positive change, all on your terms. An extra perk of this unique retreat experience is that at just $650, the price is tailored to suit every budget!

Would You Like To:

Sayulita wellness retreat and breathwork retreat
  • Experience something amazing this spring that may radically change you forever? 
  • Dive into guided Breathwork Journeys led by five incredibly powerful souls, each bringing their own unique twist and magic to elevate your sessions.
  • Break through barriers to change, let go of what no longer serves you, and ignite unconditional self-love with your breath?
  • Stop looking outside of yourself for growth, affirmation, or healing, and discover that everything you need is already within you?
  • Dive deep into your own wisdom, energy, and beauty and unleash the incredible power that resides within?
  • Experience a 2-in-1 retreat-vacation week where you get to experience the free time, rest, and autonomy that comes with a vacation and also get to go on a deep dive inwards to cultivate personal growth and transformation.
  • Rejuvenate yourself with a sunny winter escape in one of the most beautiful, charming, and welcoming places in the world, and sow the seeds for deep and lasting change while doing so?

If the answer to any of the above questions is a resounding YES and you are an independent spirit who relishes the notion of freedom, flexibility, and personal time seamlessly interwoven into your escapes, then our retreat could be tailor-made for you. And we’d love to have you join us on what could potentially become one of the most remarkable, memorable, and life-changing experiences of your life.

What’s Included in the Sayulita Breathwork Retreat:

  • Six full-length group Breathwork Journeys
  • Daily sharing, grounding, and integration circles
  • Optional add ons such as accommodations, an airport shuttle, or daily yoga.
Sayulita wellness retreat, ocean views

Optional Add Ons for the Breathwork Retreat:

Accommodations: If you would like support with finding your perfect accommodation we’re happy to help. If you’re a female we know of an amazing womens hostel with a range of accommodations ranging from dorms at just $30/night to privates for $90. We also have a co-ed hostel that we love, and if you prefer something more private and secluded we can arrange that too.

Yoga & Other Wellness Modalities: Although we are purists when it comes to Breathwork, and believe it to be the most powerful stand-alone healing modality available, we understand some people crave a little more movement, dancing, or a taste of other wellness goodies during their retreat. If that’s you, and you’re itching for daily yoga, ecstatic dance, or a soothing sound healing session, just let us know. We’ve got the hookup to organize it all for you. Sayulita is a hotspot for wellness activities, and if you can dream it, chances are it’s on the menu here!

About Breathwork

group breathwork retreat in Sayulita

Conscious, connected breathwork is a specific breathing technique that we use to connect with our highest, truest, wisest, and kindest selves. We use it to shine a light on those parts of us which may be hidden or that we may have forgotten. This is an easy-to-do Breathwork that acts on many different levels – physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. It may help clear the things that are holding you back and allow you to get out of your own way.

According to the International Breathwork Foundation “Conscious Connected Breathwork allows deep awareness of self and our connection with self, others and nature to develop, providing the groundwork for profound personal development”. 

In the technique that we teach, the breather opens their mouth and connects their inhales to their exhales without any pauses. This temporarily changes brainwaves and the chemistry of the body in a way that allows you to bypass the conscious mind and connect to subconscious thoughts, beliefs, and emotions (which dictate most of our lives). Due to this and other psychotherapeutic effects, it can bring up profound emotions, help with past issues, or produce feelings of euphoria, and lead to a myriad of possible benefits.

Benefits of Breathwork Can Include:

Sayulita breathwork retreat
  • A range of mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical transformations
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Increased self-love and self-worth
  • Improved sleep
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Increased energy levels and athletic performance
  • The somatic release of stuck emotions and memories
  • The ability to recognize and let go of self-sabotaging behaviors and coping mechanisms
  • Nervous system regulation
  • A reconnection to your inner wisdom and the messages that come from your body
  • Important insights
  • And so much more!

About Sayulita (Your Home for the Breathwork Retreat)

Sayulita wellness retreat beach life

Sayulita is often described as a charming, hippie chic town due to its unique blend of spirituality, warm, welcoming people, bustling energy, modern amenities, slow-paced living, and natural beauty. There is a special energy to this town felt by all, so much so that the Mexican Government has given it the title of ‘Pueblo Magico’ which literally means Magic Town.

sayulita, the town for your breathwork retreat

Legend holds that Sayulita was built on a bed of crystals and it aids all who visit it in magical transformations. Sayulita is inhabited by incredibly friendly locals and it draws an eclectic and rich blend of people to it – including tons of yogis, surfers, and people in search of healing or offering healing modalities to others.

Yet you’ll also find corporate types, families, digital nomads, and anyone who appreciates a laid-back lifestyle in a safe and beautiful setting. March is the perfect time of year to visit this vibrant town, with sunny skies, almost no chance of rain, and beautiful cooling breezes at night.

About Your Breathwork Retreat Host

Megan Ashton

Contact Megan, your host for the Sayulita wellness retreat and breathwork retreat
Megan Breathwork Facilitator Teacher RYT CCHt Nutritionist Professional wellness writer

Megan is a certified yoga instructor, reiki practitioner, nutritionist, and clinical hypnotherapist, but her main passion and life’s purpose is Facilitating Breathwork and Teaching others to become attuned Facilitators with her group and 1:1 trainings. She is also a professional wellness writer and has a depth of knowledge in mental, emotional, and physical health as a result of researching and writing about these topics for 15 years. She weaves these learnings into her Breathwork offerings but is a firm believer that each person is whole, intelligent, and resourceful, and empowers her breathers to allow their inner wisdom to take the lead.

Although she is trained in several modalities, it was Breathwork that created the deep healing and transformation Megan had been seeking during her decade-long healing quest. As a result, it is now her sole focus and mission in life to share the incredible healing power of Breathwork with as many people as possible. 

After traveling the world for 15 years, Megan discovered the magical beach town of Sayulita and never looked back. She is overjoyed to get to share this special place with others on this upcoming retreat and to offer up her passion, knowledge, experience, and heart to all those who join.


This will be an exclusive breathwork retreat only open to those who are most committed to creating transformation from the inside out. The price for this 6-day Sayulita wellness retreat is $650 USD.

Additional Information About this Sayulita Wellness Retreat:

sayulita wellness retreat and breathwork retreat

What to Bring

Bring comfortable clothes for a hot climate, and perhaps a light sweater for the evening. Bring a swimsuit, an open mind, and excitement for what is bound to be a transformative and memorable week in Spellbinding Sayulita. There are no big grocery stores in town, only small little shops and if there are many specific things you require on arrival you may want to have your taxi stop at a grocery store on the way. 

What’s Not Included?

Please note, travel insurance, flights, meals, airport shuttles, and accommodations are not included in the pricing of this breathwork retreat.

How to get there (flights, airport transfers, buses, trains)

Book your flight into Puerto Vallarta airport, and from there it is about an hour drive to Sayulita. A taxi negotiated at the airport should cost between $40-$50 USD (unless it’s very late or early in which case it may be a bit more). We can help organize your pick up for you if you like.

Weather information

The weather in Sayulita is inviting and pleasant in April, sunny and hot with highs of 83 F and overnight lows of 66 F.

Visa Info

Mexico offers free 6 month tourist visas for most countries and does not require any application. Please check if this includes yours.

breathwork on the beach