resistance in breathwork

Working Through Resistance in Breathwork


It’s something that comes up for almost all of us before and during a session. Even if we’ve experienced incredible transformative journeys and deep healing with connected breathwork, it doesn’t seem to reduce the resistance. And the reason for this is our Ego. 

Our ego fears change and the resistance we experience is a fear-based ego response. The ego isn’t bad, it’s just trying to keep us safe, and it does this by trying to prevent change and keep us in our comfort zones at all times. 

I’ve found personally with my own sessions and as a facilitator, that when something really deep and powerful is ready to be unleashed, the resistance in breathwork will be even greater. It’s like our ego knows we’re on the precipice of change and is fighting tooth and nail to prevent that from happening. 

But your soul brought you to the breathwork for a reason and so the best thing to do when the ego starts to rear its resistant voice is to just allow the resistance to be there. Don’t get attached to it. Don’t try to overcome it, just observe it, continue to breathe deep and connected, and know that eventually your consciousness will elevate and your soul will win the battle. Also, know, the rewards are so worth the initial inner struggle. You will complete your session, stronger, wiser, more resilient, more at peace, and potentially having had a life-changing release or breakthrough.

When it comes to resistance showing up is half the battle and if you’d like to show up for yourself I invite you to book a private online or in-person breathwork session, or join one of my weekly group sessions.

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