
What Probiotics Are & How to Choose One

Before you buy or swallow another probiotic supplement, read this first!

Last week I talked about the top supplements everyone should be taking and why, in the article “The Truth About Supplements” Because there seems to be so many supplement-related questions, I’ve decided to make this a 4 part series, and this article is dedicated solely to what probiotics are and how to choose a probiotic.  If you’re curious about how to choose an effective probiotic, or you want info on how and when to take it, or which brand is best, then this article is for you!

What Probiotics Are

Probiotics are live microorganisms, typically bacteria or yeasts, that are beneficial for human health when consumed in adequate amounts. These microorganisms are commonly referred to as “good” or “friendly” bacteria because they can have positive effects on the digestive system and overall well-being. Probiotics are often found in various fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi, as well as in dietary supplements. They work by maintaining a balanced microbial environment in the gut, aiding in digestion, supporting the immune system, and potentially offering other health benefits. However, the specific effects of probiotics can vary depending on the strain and the individual’s health status.

Are Expensive Probiotics Better Than Cheaper Ones?

When it comes to probiotics, more expensive doesn’t always equal higher quality, but oftentimes the super cheap supplements costing $15 or less do not contain the right amount of bacteria or provide the optimal delivery system. That being said, prices can be unreasonably inflated and the most expensive probiotics aren’t necessarily any better than the mid range ones. When choosing a supplement, instead of focusing solely on price, consider the following more important factors.

4 Tips for How to Choose a Probiotic Supplement that is High Quality

#1 Check the CFU Count

The first thing you want to to do when choosing a probiotic is look at the live bacteria count — ideally you want at least 5 billion colony-forming units (CFUs or ‘live bacteria’) per serving for children, and 7 billion live bacteria for teens and adults. However, you may benefit from a short term treatment with a high dose probiotic supplement, containing 50 billion live bacteria or more per serving if you have a digestive disorder, you’ve recently taken antibiotics, you’re currently fighting the stomach flu, or you have a lowered immune system. Certain strains of bacteria are more beneficial for certain conditions however, so check with your healthcare provider on which variety will work best for your particular condition.

#2 Check Which Bacteria Strains Are Provided

For the general population looking to support digestion and immunity, a supplement that contains the following three strains is ideal:

– L. Acidophilus (this strain is arguably the most important, it helps to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria, supports digestion and enhances nutrient absorption)
– B. Longum (this strain helps maintain the gut wall integrity and scavenges toxins)
– B. Bifidum (this strain helps with the digestion of dairy, complex carbs, fats and protein)

* Bonus Tip — If you want a probiotic to take on your travels to prevent diarrhea, choose a probiotic that contains L. Rhamnosus.

# 3 Choose Refrigerated Probiotics Unless…

Although refrigerated probiotics tend to be of higher quality and often retain the highest CFU count, there are some beneficial probiotic products that don’t require refrigeration. If you’ll be traveling with your probiotics, non-refrigerated probiotics will be a better choice for you. But don’t choose just any shelf probiotic, instead, look for ‘freeze dried organisms’ that are properly sealed in specialty capsules or blister packs.

#4 Check the Expiration Date

Ensure the live bacteria count is viable past the date you will be consuming it. If there isn’t a clear expiration date listed on the label, choose a different product!

Brand Recommendations

Most any brand that adheres to the above guidelines will provide you with digestion and immunity benefits. However, if you still want more guidance in choosing, the following five companies all provide high quality probiotic supplements:

– Bio K+
– Flora (Udo’s Choice)
– Renew Life
– Garden of Life
– Jarrow Formula

How to Take Your Probiotic Supplement

A lot of people will tell you to take your probiotic on an empty stomach, away from meals, but the problem with doing that is that most probiotics will not survive the bile and stomach acids found in an empty stomach. Also, think about our ancestors, they weren’t consuming their probiotic in isolated supplement form — they were getting their probiotics at mealtime, through the foods that they were eating. So unless the supplement is enterically coated, try taking your supplement about 15 minutes before a meal, and consuming a meal that contains prebiotics for maximum absorption.

Consume Your Probiotics With Prebiotics

Prebiotics are undigestible fibers that help nourish the probiotics and help enhance the overall effectiveness of probiotic supplements. Some supplements will have prebiotics added to them (usually labeled as ‘FOS’), but even those products may be more effective when taken with prebiotic foods. Some good examples of prebiotic foods include bananas, oatmeal, asparagus, onions, garlic, leeks, artichokes, cauliflower, broccoli, leafy greens, legumes, burdock and chicory root (pictured above).

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