sleeping after a breathwork session

Exploring Unusual Reactions After a Breathwork Session: A Deep Dive into Body Responses

Many individuals turn to breathwork (cirular breathing) as a means of releasing trauma and stress, gaining clarity and more self-love, and improving overall well-being. However, sometimes unexpected reactions can occur, leaving practitioners questioning the cause and seeking guidance. In this post, we delve into a specific question from a participant who experienced an unusual bodily…

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breathwork session experiences

Did I Experience a Yogic Trance, Sleep, or Dissociation in My Breathwork?

Question: During my breathwork session, I entered a sleep-like state and don’t remember breathing or anything that happened in that time. I’m really curious to get your input on this and to hear more about whether I entered a deep meditative state, feel asleep, or dissociated out of fear of facing suppressed material (which you…

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breathwork for trauma recovery

Can Breathwork Trigger a Reactivation of Trauma Or Nervous System Imbalances?

When addressing the process of healing trauma, Breathwork emerges as a particularly potent and impactful tool at our disposal. Yet, amidst its potential benefits, a pertinent question arises: could engaging in breathwork potentially trigger latent traumas and consequently lead to retraumatization and imbalances in the nervous system?  Well there is never a 100% guarantee with…

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conscious connected breathwork journey and trauma

Navigating Unintentional Breath Holds, Dissociation and Trauma-Responses in Breathwork

Question: Dear Megan, thank you so much for all your wisdom and knowledge on breathwork that you share! I have read the article on intentional breath holds and the seizures that it may have caused. I myself have had two experiences where I had unintentional breath-holds after a long Conscious Connected Breathwork session, in which…

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